Thursday, January 14, 2010

Writing Prompt 1 Color


I am the color of boldness and majesty. My strength lies in my ability to be both beautiful and dangerous. I am the color of warm and dusk nights spent on a warship to prove my countries prowess. I am also the color of sensual and languid mornings stretching to meet the glory of another day in God’s grace. I am the color of a fine and tangled balance between my anger, my fear, my strength and the gentle beauty that is I. My purple ness combines to make everyone wonder that I am so many things, priestess, mother, warrior, and queen.

Holder of the cups of ritual for the great I am teacher of the morning rituals and prayers. Calling all my people to worship and praise that our Lord has given us another day to prove our worthiness.

Holder of the small child as he suckles at my breast, his small face radiant in the glow of love without end.

Holder of the spear as it crushes my enemies and strikes fear into those who question my authority

Holder of the throne as I rule and conquer for my people.

My color flows throughout history and will always be held by the strongest women


From the pen of Crystal Connor said...

A heads up to my fellow Authors Anonymous members...this is my BBF. But here at AA she'll be my Archenemy, my bitter Rival because as you can see, she's a hellofa writer! Please do not be alarmed at the comments we leave for each other.

And for you Your Majesty this is a Declaration of War!

This is really good btw

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Amina!! And Crystal- competition is good- very very good! ;)

Amina- I love the strength that flows through this piece like steel. I loved your contrast between the suckling babe and the spear. Amazing!

From the pen of Crystal Connor said...

I told you, she's really good. I'm so glad she's in this group!

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