Sunday, October 25, 2015

30 Day Writing Chanllenge

So I have been working on this writing challenge since 10/20/2015. I have 5 days of writing to post and then next month I am doing the NaNoWriMo, which I am super excited about. Here is the current challenge that I am doing.

30 Day Writing Challenge

1   Five problems with social media
2   Your earliest memory
3   Your first love and first kiss, if separate, discuss both
4   Ten interesting facts about yourself
5   A place you would live, but have never visited
6   Someone who fascinates you and why
7   What tattoos you have and if they have meaning
8   A book you love and one you didn't
9   Your feelings on ageism
10  A fruit you dislike and why
11  Your current relationship; if single, discuss that too
12  Two words/phrases that make you laugh
13  Your commute to and from work/school/etc
14  Your life in 7 years
15  Three pet peeves
16  Bullet your entire day
17  A quote you try to live by
18  Your favorite color and why
19  Five years that you have
20  Put your music player on shuffle and write the first 3 songs that play and what you initial thought       is
21  Your zodiac/horoscope and whether you think it fits you
22  Your morning routine
23  A family member you dislike
24  Something you miss
25  Four weird traits you have
26  Things you'd say to an ex
27  What you wore today
28  The word/phrase you use constantly
29  The night of your 21st birthday (if not yet 21, the last birthday you had)
30  One thing your excited for

 So I am writing for 15 minutes per prompt and trying not to edit before posting to this site. Let's see where this will take me.

The Return

I just looked at my last post in June of 2010 and realized that I have been gone for 5 full years. This past 5 years have been chaotic and unproductive on all fronts. The only positive thing that has happened in those years is that my family and I have been healing in every sense of the word. So I begin again in all ways. Writing, learning and making myself a better person. So I welcome back my regulars, Crystal Connor and any newcomers. Thanks for being so patient.